Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Setting Foot in a Foreign Land

I'm here:
in Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku right in the heart of Tokyo and boy am I exhausted. I just woke up from a nap in fact. It's 12 AM here which means it's 4PM back in Colorado. That's a 16 hour time difference folks. I'ts going to take some getting used to since I'm used to waking up when they're going to bed. Enough on that though. Time to tell you about the trip here.

First the flight. It was actually not as bad as I thought it would be. I had everything in order so customs and security were a breeze, so I ended up waiting at the terminal for a while, but my flight was on time (another plus) and there were no babies, screaming or other wise, on the plane (yet another plus). I left Denver International Airport at quarter to 9 and braced myself for the long flight ahead. Thank goodness for my iPod and laptop. It was a 2 hour flight to Seattle/Tacoma International Airport. We had to make a pit stop for fuel and such before trekking across the Pacific Ocean. I took a nap on the plane too, I missed crossing the International Dateline though. I will have to catch it on the way back. My plane was late arriving in Japan. We had head winds so instead of the 4:15 PM, I arrived at Tokyo Narita Airport at nearly 5. It was very crowded and I had trouble navigating around.

Now for the train station fun.
I met up with my guide, Taji Najamoto, a great young man who has more than earned his pay already, and he got us to the train station. I would've much rather have taken one of those lovely buses directly to the hotel, but he insisted on taking me the "authentic" way. So we lugged my luggage a couple of blocks to the train station, rode a train, I can't tell you which train because my Japanese character recognition is sub-par, transfered to another train with an indistinguishable name, and walked to the hotel. That entire exchange took a little over an hour. I checked into my room and crashed. I will probably sleep most of the day tomorrow too. I'll update if I have some time where I'm lucid enough to type. Ja ne! 

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