Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Holy Snow Sculptures, Batman!

Today's blog will be little of my typing and mostly pictures, because they honestly do a better job of talking than I ever could.
Here's a bit of an introduction for you however. The Sapporo Snow Festival is a week long festival in Sapporo. It's a city on the northern island of Japan, about an hour away from Tokyo by plane. (Yeah. More flying) Taji said the Winter Olympics were held here once. Anyway, they collect all this snow and bring it into the city and sculptors world wide come here and make these fantastical looking works of art out of the collected snow. The entire city is speckled with these sculptures both big and small and it makes it seem like a winter wonderland.

This is the image that greeted me when we first go there. It looks cold, doesn't it? Well, I guarantee you that it was 10 times colder than it looks.

Sculptures near the Tsu-Dome

Hello, Kitty!

Look at this madness!

They're all holding notes. I wish I could read them.




Lithuania (The winner)

Finland (Runner up in the contest)

Inside events were held at the Tsu-Dome. It was good to get out of the cold.

Snowman wine chillers. 

So many people braved the cold!

After being chilled to the bone and thoroughly amazed, we flew back to Tokyo. Tomorrow, Taji is surprising me with a trip somewhere, but for now I'm in search of something to warm me up. Looking at those pictures made me cold again!

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